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Gotické dvojče

One of the oldest houses in the town, this Late Gothic house from late 15th century with the unique wooden room on the second floor was recently restored to house of the gallery.

House at the Blue Grapes (U Modrého hroznu)

House at the Blue Grapes
Jezuitská 4/12a
412 01 Litoměřice

The house is one of the oldest works of Ambrosio Balli, who rebuilt the former gothic house to the Renaissance style for the Nožíř family in 1556. The house features a prominent stone portal with figures of flying angels, and three stone mouldings. The name of the house derives from a carved house sign representing a bunch of blue grapes. A baroque medallion depicting Madonna with Jesus can be seen between the second a third floor.

Dům U Modrého hroznu
Ambrosio Balli
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